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About Us

Meet the fantastic staff that makes our synthetic humans a possibility. Read more about how the company got to where it is today.

About The Staff

Say hello to our fantastic staff


Garrett Sliwinski



Katy Black, Alice Town, Zoe Richards, Andrew Walls, Darren Townsend, Rodney Burns, Scott Moon, Brian Barrett, Nick Welch, Brandon Conner, Johnathon Shaw, Max Cook, Wilson Pots, Aron Turner, Edwin Sparks


Physics Engineering

Stacy Becker ,Katy Goodman, Rachel Owens, Lee Casey, Owain Reeves, Harry Hanson, Seth Armstrong, Caleb Fletcher, Dale Bennett


AI Research

Rosa Bauer, Erica Rodgers, Amber Anderson, Ronald Dean, Simon Chandler, Louis Castro, Aron Mendez, Tomas Cooper, Jason Terry, Greg Fleming, Robin Brown, Oscar Wood, Jimmy Shepherd, Matthew Sims, Justin Pena, Omar Lin, Antonio Curry, Todd Park, Raymond Clayton, Harvey Hale, 


Customer Service

Maria Green, Josephine Farrell, Julia Dyer, Layla Adams, Lexi Potts, Margie Hoffman, Katie Watson, Alicia Stein, Mollie Taylor, Faith Hill, Leonardo Yates, Henry Boyd, Felix McGuire, Tobias Lane, Jim Monroe, James Cobb, Russell Frank

About The Company

Learn about the company and how it became what it is today 


Where Did Delos Innovative Come From?

April 25th, 2016

Formation of R&D group for developing both robotic and AI technology. Formed under DBA as Electro Tech Laboritories. Two Group Members( Garrett Sliwinski, Kathryn Hurmill).

November 6th, 2016

First Synthetic Human Prototype built with nueral mapping AI program. Two group members(Garrett Sliwinski, Kathryn Hurmill)

August 10th, 2017

Second generation synth with mainstream human learning AI program. Integrated Personality Matrix.
Formation of Electro Tech Labs LLC.  

October 21st, 2017

Presentation of first generation synthetic human. Showcase of company and AI program at Fredonia Mini Maker Faire.

Jannuary 22nd, 2018

Third generation human synth completed; with stabilized AI processing program. 46 Employees.

June 8th, 2018

General conversation compatibility & domestic skills packet stable. 84 Employees.

August 12th, 2018

Branched skill-set packets perfected. Domestic, Security, Outdoor Work, Advanced conversation Skills, ex. New Integrated Task Manager. 116 Employees.

October 18th, 2018

Added electrolysis unit to extend battery life on gen 3 unit. Neural Processor installed, resposiveness up 8%.

January 8th - 14th, 2019

Company Showcase at CES Trade Show in Las Vegas.

August 13th, 2019

Crowdfunding project started. Goal: $500,000.

December 6th, 2019

3rd Generation synthetic human test phase started. Streamlined synth production completed.

October 15th, 2020

Electro Tech Laboratories LLC merged into Delos Innovative LLC under the ownership of Garrett Sliwinski.



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